Features Ownership - Who owns data value resolving. ? (USD?)
- Who owns usd<->mtlx synchronization? (USD observability?)
- Who owns the mtlx->usd conversion. Can this is separated out with formal synchronization. (Recent work from Jerry and others for component dependency logic should be discussed). Needs USD to be more open.?
- Who owns the usd->mtlx conversion. Is it the same as 1. (I don't think so). Needs USD to be more open.
- For 3/4 can this be opened up so USD does not own this completely.
- ?
- Who owns validation (USD?)
- Who owns reference definitions, who owns implementations (MTLX). Even USDPreviewSurface.MaterialX?), including USDPreviewSurface?
- Who owns code generation access.
- Who decides what is common material metadata. This has caused "friction" as usdshade and mtlx are not 1:1.? There's not a 1:1 mapping between USDShade and MaterialX so how can we drive standardisation?