Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Major/Minor Release (e.g. v3.1.0)

This assumes that a new branch comes off of master.

  • Create a branch off of master called RB-<major>.<minor>
  • Follow the steps below for a Patch Release.

Patch Release (e.g. v3.0.4)

This assumes that changes on the master branch need to be merged into the release branch, e.g. RB-3.0.

  1. Pick a dates for feature freeze, code freeze date , and release date.
  2. Create a v3.0.4 GitHub PR/Issue label
  3. Add the label to PRs that should go into the release.
  4. In your fork of the main repo, on branch RB-3.0, create v3.0.4-rc branch:
    % git checkout RB-3.0
    % git pull
    % git checkout b -v3.0.4 rc
  5. Git cherry-pick appropriate commits from master branch. Since we "Squash and Merge" PR's on master, there should be a one-to-one correspondence between commits and PRs
  6. Edit and add release notes that summarize the changes. List the PRs with links. Submit as a separate commit so that this appears as a distinct entry in the commit history.
  7. Bump the version in CMakeLists.txt.  Submit as a separate commit so that this appears as a distinct entry in the commit history.
  8. Push the v3.0.4-rc branch and create a PR. Note this is into the RB-3.0 branch 
  9. Wait for review. 
  10. Merge the PR with "Rebase and Merge"
  11. Create tag v3.0.4-rc1
  12. Test. 
    1. Download and build. 
    2. Confirm fixes. 
    3. Confirm version number. 
    4. Run tests as standalone. 
  13. Draft GitHub release. Use release notes from
  14. On the release date, publish the release. 
  15. Update the "release" branch. In a clone of the main repo, check out the release branch and get merge v3.0.4. Git push. 
  16. Send announcement to
  17. Merge the release notes into the master branch. In your fork:
    % git checkout master
    % git merge upstream/master
    % git checkout -b v3.0.4
    % git cherry-pick release notes, any other changes 
  18. Submit PR
  19. Update website
  20. Update master release version number.
