[ ] John Mertic (Linux Foundation)
[ ] Cary Phillips (ILM, OpenEXR, Sci-tech council)
[x] Darin Grant (Animal Logic, ASWF Treasurer)
[x] David Morin (Epic / ASWF Exec Director)
[x] Eric Enderton (NVIDIA, DigiPro)
[x] Joshua Minor (OTIO / Pixar)
[ ] Nick Porcino (OTIO, OpenEXR / Pixar)
[ ] Sean McDuffee (Intel)
[x] Will Telford (ADSK)
[x] Eric Bourque (ADSK)
[x] Orde Stevanoski (Imageworks)
[x] Lee Kerley (Imageworks)
[x] Daniel Heckenberg (Animal Logic)
[x] Alex Wilkie (Animal Logic)
[ ] Bruno Sargeant (Unity Technologies Inc - M&E PM)
[x] JT Nelson (Pasadena Open Source consortium / SoCal Blender group)
[ ] Roman Zulak (Imageworks)
[ ] Michael B Johnson (Apple, WG chair)
[x] Rob Bredow (ILM, ASWF Chair)
[x] Haley Kannall (AWS)
[x] Sebastian Herholz (Intel)
[x] Deke Kincaid (Digital Domain)
WG chair not present?
There was a schedule conflict, but the meeting didn’t get moved.
Calendar issues form some folks.
Future meetings should be advertised on the mailing list and/or Slack?
Other ASWF WG meeting earlier today had similar problems.
Scope of Working Group
Aiming to create a proposal to ASWF
Question: Is this WG aiming for just current ASWF project-related assets, or something larger than this? For example, challenging scenes to render.
Homework followup:
Does your company have assets that would be useful to share?
Disney Animation findings (via Rob Bredow & Nick Cannon)
Relaying message from Nick Cannon
Getting permission for the Moana Island project was actually easier than expected. Disney’s openness for this could set a positive precedent.
Took a long time to get approval, but actual legal work was quick.
Biggest cost was in labor involved in transforming the data into an open format. OBJ - For example, USD version of Moana Island is still in progress.
Hosting cost for large data sets was non-trivial, but not super expensive (just needs to be budgeted)
Licensing questions: will the content be misused in a way the creators/owners are uncomfortable with?
Cannot use Disney trademarks, cannot misrepresent derivatives as coming from Disney
Short paper about the challenges: https://www.disneyanimation.com/publications/?drawer=/publications/the-challenges-of-releasing-the-moana-island-scene/
OpenTimelineIO findings so far (JT + Josh)
JT Nelson has collected open film content here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_kefZpDT98-TSWlEN9X3IdLJGNbq0F4w-kKilyw2jkg/edit
We have found the source assets, and final footage for several open films, but we have not yet found the actual editorial timeline for any of these yet.
Hard to get “real production” assets.
Moana Island license allows for “research and software development” - we would want more permissive allowances for presentations, demos, etc.
Do we know stories/use cases where terms were too restrictive?
Some content out there is published without a clearly identified license. For example, these video clips and source assets say “Creative Commons” but without specifying which CC license: https://www.beeple-crap.com/vjloops
Desired uses:
Software Development
Performance Testing
Correctness Testing
Presentations & Demonstrations
Example open assets:
Moana Island scene: https://www.disneyanimation.com/data-sets/?drawer=/resources/moana-island-scene/
Hyperspace Madness: https://area.autodesk.com/hyperspacemadness/
USD sample assets: http://graphics.pixar.com/usd/downloads.html
Sony Zombie Rig: https://secure.sonypictures.com/animation/hotelt/zombierig/videosubmissions/
Netflix open media: https://netflixtechblog.com/engineers-making-movies-aka-open-source-test-content-f21363ea3781
Blender Foundation projects (Blender scene files + rendered clips):
More here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_kefZpDT98-TSWlEN9X3IdLJGNbq0F4w-kKilyw2jkg/edit
Possible assets that could be contributed
From animation studios, VFX, etc.?
From Universities?
UCLA Film and Television Archive
AWS has some assets that might be a good choice (Haley Kannall)
Imageworks (Emoji city “Textopolis”, and a realistic dog)
Light transport test scenes from Intel (Sebastian Herholz)
Cloud (weather kind of cloud) asset library for OpenVBD from Intel? (Sean McDuffee)
Hosting costs
Some potential contributors are concerned about cost of hosting
ASWF could possibly host these - this WG will attempt to estimate size and costs for proposal to ASWF TAC & Governing Board
Moana data set is 265 GB (46 GB compressed). Hosting cost was 70 TB in the first week of downloads (tapered off from there).
Note: we should pick assets that appeal to the desired audience and not accidentally induce high hosting costs (e.g. a high profile, famous character or location might be a poor choice?)
Action Items:
Locate assets at your company/project that might be worth contributing.
Ask your employer about contributing - what are their objections, how could ASWF lower the barriers to entry?
Estimate size of assets.