Asset Repository WG - 16 Mar 2021
[x] Michael Johnson (Apple) + WG Chair
[x] Joshua Minor (Pixar + OpenTimelineIO)
[ ] John Mertic (Linux Foundation)
[ ] Nick Porcino (OTIO, OpenEXR / Pixar)
[x] Eric Enderton (NVIDIA, DigiPro)
[x] Sean McDuffee (Intel)
[x] Eric Bourque (ADSK)
[ ] Erik Hansen
[x] JT Nelson (Pasadena Open Source consortium / SoCal Blender group)
[ ] Lee Kerley (SPI)
[x] Phil Sawicki (Autodesk)
[x] Roman Zulak (Imageworks)
[ ] Orde Stevanoski (Imageworks)
[ ] Cary Phillips (ILM, OpenEXR)
[ ] Sebastian Herholz (Intel)
[ ] David Morin
[x] Sam Richards (Disney Imagineering)
[ ] Will Telford (Autodesk)
[ ] Carson Brownlee (Intel)
[X] Sergio Rojas(Arena World)
[x] Haley Kannall (Amazon Web Services)
Should we offer more than one? Could, but we want to avoid confusion. People still ask about GPL versus LGPL.
Include a known open source license, like CC-BY or MIT? Much less work for lawyers. Those licenses don’t restrict use, e.g. you could set your next film on Moana Island. OTOH, donations with a more permissive license are always great.
Sean: Legal concerned about vagueness in first clause.
Action Item: Show to your lawyer. If you work for a big company that might contribute assets, use assets, or both - please show to legal dept, see if you can talk them into it, or let us know what concerns arise.
Michael will ping the ASWF legal council.
Having a license in place may be a prerequisite to asking for asset donations.