TSC Meeting Notes 2019-06-20

TSC Meeting Notes 2019-06-20


  • Cary Phillips

  • Larry Gritz

  • Peter Hillman

  • Nick Porcino

  • Rod Bogart

  • Don Dempsey (public)


  • Christina has started investigating SonarCloud, nothing to report yet.

  • Documentation of CVE’s. The CII Best Practices badge says all publicly filed CVE’s must be noted in the release notes. Rod to investigate, including the process for updating information at cve.mitre.org.

  • C++ compatibility: is there a need to still maintain support for C++98? With the VFX reference platform at C++11, can any software reasonably claim to need new releases of OpenEXR to compile with pre-C++11? Probably not, but worth confirming with the community, and with the TAC.

  • TSC members should act on commenting on and closings PR's as noted in the spreadsheet.

  • Assigned #401 and #378 to Peter, to investigate.

  • Standalone Imath: Needs further discussion with the TAC, and a concrete proposal, potentially a straw/trial repo that folks can comment on. Needs to be unencumbered by dependencies like Iex, and by exceptions in general, or with the current on-the-fly code generation of eLut and toFloat.