Content Guide
The ASWF USD Working Group is proposing a knowledge base around USD to serve as a reference for developers, artists, and studios adopting USD. This will contain documentation, code snippets that demonstrate the USD API, small helpful scripts, and USD example assets and shots, and eventually, a set of "best practices" ala PEP or RFC. The purpose of this knowledge base is to reduce the USD support burden on Pixar by having a searchable repository of information, and to make the usd-interest mailing list more effective by having a way to respond to common questions with a link to a relevant topic, rather than typing out a new answer.
The purpose of this document is to propose an initial set of categories to populate the knowledgebase. Please add whatever you think would be helpful. Note that some topics here may already be covered elsewhere in the wiki. Please contribute to existing pages if possible, rather than creating duplicates.
Knowledge Base Topics
USD API code examples
Python examples using Sdf API
Achieving complex composition structures
Small helpful USD scripts
Separate area of the wiki for complete contributions
Snippets inline in wiki docs
Mention the version of USD used to create the sample
USD samples
Complete USD asset examples
Organized by studio
Comments on why the composition choices are made
Complete USD shot examples
Organized by studio
Probably toy shots, maybe one of each asset type (envir, char, etc)
Comments on why the composition choices are made
Examples of USD concepts (ex: cards display with ModelAPI)
Extension points (Schemas, Prim Schemas, etc.)
Common build problems and their solutions
Standard problems on Windows / mac
Link USD build club
Places to get USD binaries (Nvidia etc)
Links to blog posts, miscellaneous documentation, and news about USD
Pipeline protips
E.g. set a primary camera name using UsdUtils and plugInfo.json
Made with USD
Projects backed by USD
Explanation of the tools / pipeline used for those projects
USD versions used
USD features used
Interactive Jupyter python snippets
Streaming video walkthrough for certain features
Common language for contributions
use standard terminology, (ref: last mile format)
“raw” USD examples where possible.
Version compatibility
Human tags for compatibility of docs and examples (“confirmed working on”)
CI automation of compatibility testing
Useful as regression tests for USD itself?
Related content
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.