Working Group Charter

Working Group Charter

Universal Scene Description Working Group (USDWG)

The purpose of the USD working group is to support the USD project as it is adopted and deployed. Strong industry-wide interest in USD is beyond the capacity of Pixar alone to support. The aim of this working group is to assist adoption efforts through consolidation and sharing of best practices, and helping with issues raised in various USD support channels where possible.

Goals of the WG are:

  1. Assist community members with issues raised in USD support channels.

  2. Consolidate and share best practices for deployment of USD technologies.

Non-goals of the WG are:

  1. This working group is not a steering committee. Members on the working group have the same influence on the direction of the USD project as any other member already participating in the USD community.

The TAC sponsor of this working group is @Cory Omand (Pixar/TWDS).


  1. Providing vetted solutions for solving the most common issues raised on the usd-interest forum.

  2. Documentation describing best practices for

    • structuring USD assets

    • making use of USD features

    • setting up development environments on supported platforms.

  3. Continuous integration on the public USD GitHub repository, potentially with binary artifacts for download.


This WG communicates on the following channels:


See the USD Working Group's public calendar. This WG meets every other Wednesday (opposite to the ASWF TAC meeting) from 1:00-1:50PM US/Pacific time and are open to anyone that is interested in participating in the working group.

You can see upcoming agendas and review past meeting notes here.

For the next WG meeting, you can propose agenda items in the wiki -- please put your name next to the proposed item. Agendas are typically finalized the day before the scheduled meeting.

Please note that your participation is guided by the Academy Software Foundation's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.


Some meetings are recorded, you will be informed when that is the case. If a meeting is recorded, portions of the meeting, including presentations  and follow up discussion may be edited for brevity and clarity, and posted to our wiki for archival and reference purposes.

By participating in the discussion, you agree that your questions and comments might be in the archived presentation. You can opt out of being recorded by muting your microphone and your camera.

Unauthorized recording of the meetings and redistribution of the recordings from the wiki is prohibited.

Conference call details

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/96856107067

In-person meetings

None planned at this time.

Related content

License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.