List of internal modules used by itview. Those that are already implemented as re-usable modules and used outside the itview application are highlighted in blue.
- Python, PyQt, Cython, C++, Scala
- PyQt v4 (PySide compatible)
- OpenGL based “layer stack”
Playback Engine
- Timecube (timing module) that takes over the Qt event loop
- Videostreamer, manages read-ahead logic for video and invoking the read codecs
- Audiostreamer, same as videostreamer but for audio
I/O Layer
- OIIO for individual image files (C++)
- FileSequence (C++)
- Understands individual image files for a rendered sequence
- SpMovie (C++)
- Wrapper around third party libraries and internal movie formats (h264, J2K codecs)
- Internal movie file format using J2K with DCP compliant encoding (12 bit depth)
- Ffmpeg based libraries for most third party movie file formats
- MediaCache
- Finds the physical media on disk based on tracking number
- VirtualMedia
- Programmatically generate frames for blackframes, error card, contact sheet, title cards
- Media layer that abstracts all video, audio I/O
- Support pixel probing
- Recognize colorspace, aspect ratio, stereo
- Manages a list of clips (media with video and/or audio)
- Clip can have one video and/or audio
- Manages metadata with playlists, clips and the media objects themselves
- Transitions: cross-dissolves and wipes
- Timewarps: customize the order of frames for playback, holding frames, speed changes etc
- Playlist files are in XML format
Database Layer
- Shotgun (Production tracking)
- Edbot (Editorial tracking: proprietary, maybe replaced with OTIO in the future)
- VFO (review notes)
- VnP (Versioning and Publishing - proprietary asset management system)
- Supports
- Scribbles with various Brushes, Text, Color Corrections (rectangles, ellipses and lasso)
- Vector format (resolution independent), stored as XML in database
- Internal API for storing and retrieving
- Would be great to move to an interchangeable format+API (OTIO, USD)
Color Pipeline
- OCIO (C++)
- Color correction operations are sent as OCIO requests and rendered
- Aware of display devices being used and will choose the correct look
- FCurve
- FTGL/Freetype
- FormWidgets
- ResolutionTable
- StereoConvergence
- Python based
- Internal “pyCore” module exposes most of core itview functionality to plugins
- PyQt signals/slots
- ZeroC ICE api
- Sockets
Remote Sync
- Sync Server (Scala)
- Separate project, written in Scala for high performance
- Itview clients talk to it via ZeroC ICE api protocol
- Manages permissions and access controls for remote users
- Host itview Qt events and API calls are broadcast to remote clients
- Sync sessions provide a “headless itview” with it’s entire state backed by a database
- Public (show based) /private user based sessions as well as internal “context view playlists”
- Aware of editorial information for sequence/shots