Jimmy Christensen-Daniel Neilson
-Bryce Gattis (Brazen Animation)
Kern Attila
-Jamie Murray
Barry Dempsey
CiCd pipeline fixed
Java upgraded to 17
`python setup.py test` deprecated
Base image upgraded to vfx_platform 2024.1
Python3.6 still required for some integration tests
Pending PR Reviews and tests:
Consolidate Log read and write
Might possibly break the CiCd pipeline again as it doesn’t update the integration test script.
Postpone this to the next release
Work on a plan to integrate the fork into a company owned account
Pending opencue.io docs
- Diego Tavares Test “reserve all cores” on SPI
- Kern Attila: Finish the Windows PR
Robert Graf
Zach Repasky
New rqd mode: Containerized Frames
OpenCue.io redesign
Proposal: Migrate our of setup.py into project.toml
Action items
- Diego Tavares Add a section on PR template mentioning updating the docs
- Document widgets on opencue.io
- Diego Tavares Add a new section to opencue.io with screen recordings as an user guide
- Diego Tavares Add v1.0 to opencue.io/blog/releases
- Jimmy Christensen: Work on the possibility to migrate setup.py to project.toml
- Diego Tavares Investigate tool for stacked PRs
- Kern Attila - Implement PR