2024-10-23 Meeting notes
2024-10-23 Meeting notes
Oct 23, 2024
@Diego Tavares
@Ramon Figueiredo
@Nuwan Jayawardene
@Jimmy Christensen
@Kern Attila
Robert Graf
Zach Repasky
New rqd mode: Containerized Frames
OpenCue.io redesign
Proposal: Migrate our of setup.py into project.toml
Action items
@Diego Tavares Add a section on PR template mentioning updating the docs
Document widgets on opencue.io
@Diego Tavares Add a new section to opencue.io with screen recordings as an user guide
@Diego Tavares Add v1.0 to opencue.io/blog/releases
Jimmy Christensen: Work on the possibility to migrate setup.py to project.toml
@Diego Tavares Investigate tool for stacked PRs
Kern Attila - Implement PR