Asset Repository WG - 30 Mar 2021
[x] Michael Johnson (Apple) + WG Chair
[x] Joshua Minor (Pixar + OpenTimelineIO)
[x] Sean McDuffee (Intel)
[x] Eric Bourque (Autodesk)
[x] JT Nelson (Pasadena Open Source consortium / SoCal Blender group)
[x] Sebastian Herholz (Intel)
[x] Sergio Rojas (Arena World)
[x] Haley Kannall (Amazon Web Services)
[x] Simran Spiller
- Steve Winslow, Linux Foundation lawyer for licenses etc, spoke with Michael.
- Dug into Clause 1, comparing with existing licenses.
- Can’t relay exactly :-)
- Action: John and Steve will convene the ASWF “League of Lawyers” to discuss.
- A subset of ASWF Governing Board and their lawyers. Michael will be there.
- Both donors and consumers.
- Action: Let’s get Steve or someone (Creative Commons?) to come explain stuff to this meeting. (See also Josh’s questions on Slack.)
Short meeting. :-)