

September 11, 2020

Host: Carol Payne

Rotating Secretary: Michael Dolan


  • [X] Michael Dolan (TSC Chair) - Epic Games

  • [X] Carol Payne (TSC) - Netflix

  • [X] Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk

  • [X] Zach Lewis - Method

  • [X] Christophe Brejon

  • [X] Simran Spiller

OCIO Documentation Working Group Meeting Notes

  • API doc generation:

    • Michael: Wondering if I should pick up API docs work from Sean to help.

    • Doug: Let’s propose an approach and get Sean’s buy-in. Think we need to look closely at Python docs approach. This will be the main entry point into OCIO for many users.

    • Doug: Another challenge is that doxygen in headers is more verbose. Original OCIO headers were minimalist, only documenting where really needed.

    • Michael: Can some parts be omitted?

    • Doug: Could probably find a middle ground.

    • Michael: Are you wanting to go away from doxygen? Or just revise style?

    • Doug: Prefer original OCIO style, but not sure what the best approach for Python docs are. Like how OIIO combines reference and explanation into one thing, but requires more manual work. Think the guide portions of the docs (the ultimately python docs) would be that. Python and C++ would be separate. C++ would be minimal, more like OCIO v1, and purpose-build Python docs.

    • Carol: Have no issue with putting most serviceable info in Python docs.

    • Doug: Sean’s goal was to come up with something easy to maintain, but have not yet resolved C++/Python differences.

    • TODO: Open issue around python/C++ docs proposal for discussion with Sean. Figure out plan and move forward.

  • Check-in on other doc efforts:

    • Carol: How’s it going with current efforts?

    • Christophe update:

      • Looking at sample OCIO configurations.

      • Small description would help to know what is being downloaded. The size is pretty big, so would be good to know up front what is being downloaded and how large it is.

      • Can we link to up-to-date ACES 1.2 config instead?

      • Carol: Currently focusing on new ACES config, in the new repo. Will have new repo for housing contributed configs.

      • Zach: Need documentation around configs and how to use them. Difficult to learn now.

      • Doug: Agree. The current spi-vfx config is a good example for documentation, including some theory for how to do color management, and how color transforms were designed. Time consuming to write, but impossible to understand config contents without that.

      • Carol: Not only is it how to build a config, but it’s also around Python being the intended way to create a config, so documentation can center around that. Manual edits are error prone and not ideal.

      • Zach: All references really useful, but some are sparse. Having specific python implementation examples would help. Discussed Python examples for GPU viewers before?

      • Michael: Yes. Have talked about Python versions of apps. Many studios have internal tools that are excellent examples, but would be great to get some of that into the open. I’ve written several. Might be able to share or contribute one.

      • Zach: What about Jupyter notebook for code examples?

      • Carol: Would be great to have something for people to experiment, once we get content done.

      • Christophe: Looking at how to list configs. Could show current configs first. Would be great to show the changes between versions; include changelist with config versions?

      • Carol: Why not just link to the GitHub releases? Could point to where they live and their documentation.

      • Christophe: Yes, that makes sense. Think we could revise the TOC levels and what is included in the sidebar. Could do some cleanup.

      • Doug: Excellent work going through docs. Want to give you more ability to create issues and PRs so you can contribute efficiently to capture this information.

    • Zach update:

      • Going through all of the docs, looking at areas that need more content. Looking at missing tool documentation. ocioconvert seems inconsistent in the interface. I’ll open an issue around that.

      • Doug: Yes agree, there is some inconsistency between tool interfaces. Would be good to have issue around commandline tool UIs, and some standard args to make them consistent.

      • Zach: Yes, consistency and conventions and ability to specify context variables in commandline for example. Going to look at ocioperf next. Wrote some docs around ociobakelut.

      • Michael: Might be worth calling out Baker and Processor.write() since those also bake things too.

      • Zach: Added some content for ociolutimage. Should I include the ACES config as an example?

      • Carol: I like that idea. It’s a complex example, but a good one.

      • Zach: Should I include usage info from tools themselves? Some have it and some don’t.

      • Michael: Wonder if we could generate manpages to include. They can be found with some linux distros.

      • Zach: Not sure if I should create issue per tool or as one unit.

      • Doug: Think if the work is submitted together can be one issue.

      • Michael: You can use GH Actions to test build in your fork, and feel free to open draft PR for feedback. Not mergeable, but good for input.

      • Zach: Could add some documentation on shaper LUTs.

      • Doug: CLF has log op to be more compact. Would be good to cover that. ociomakeclf has csc option, and can convert LUT into CTF. Can make AMF compliant LMT as well.

      • Zach: Should we reach out to studios to get census on current climate of OCIO usage. Would be great to have various implementation examples.

      • Michael: Yes, agree. More examples like the spi-vfx docs would be awesome.

      • Zach: Would love to share how Method uses OCIO in commercials and features. Would like to provide tools or examples, etc.

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