TSC Meeting Notes 2023-10-05
TSC Meeting Notes 2023-10-05
- Cary Phillips
- Christina Tempelaar-Lietz
- John Mertic
- Joseph Goldstone
- Kimball Thurston
- Larry Gritz
- Nick Porcino
- Peter Hillman
- Rod Bogart
- Lucas Miller, Sony
- Li Ji, ILM
- Andre Mazzone, ILM
- An Nguyen, ILM
- Megha Shastry, Disney
- Davide Selmo, ILM
- Matt Graham, Weta Digital
Background of OpenEXR project
- Slide presentation by Cary
- TSC intros:
- Rod B, Epic Games/former-ILM - gave some historical background - initial idea was can we get extended range (which is what EXR stands for)
- OpenEXR origin story: https://www.aswf.io/news/aswf-deep-dive-openexr-origin-story-part-1/
- Peter, Weta- support for deep image data needed by Weta
- Joseph, ARRI/former-ILM - named EXR among many other contributions.
- Nick, Pixar/former-Apple and ILM - involved more than 20 years ago, responsible for some additions to Imath
- Larry, Sony - original author of OpenImageIO, one of biggest consumers of OpenEXR, and co-chair of dev days and author of OSL
- Kimball, Weta - complete rewrite of library via EXRCore (C implementation), CMake setup
- Christina, ILM/former-Epic - continuous integration and SonarCloud setup
- Cary, ILM - chair, takes care of many tasks
- Rod B, Epic Games/former-ILM - gave some historical background - initial idea was can we get extended range (which is what EXR stands for)
- Guest devs intros:
- Andre M
- engineering lead lighting rendering and look dev, use EXR every day, own deep id implementation
- dev days interest: production AOVs and metadata, trying out new scene hierarchy, make example image
- Larry mentioned image doesn't matter just having real-world image for test bed for evaluating compressions methods would help, rest cases such as representative deep images, need good test data,
- Lucas M
- one of Alembic authors, wanted to purge dependency on boost, experience with PyBind11,
- dev days interest: wants to get PyBind11 python bindings framework started
- Li Ji
- interested in cleaning up python bindings as well
- An N
- on Andre's team, started looking into example file that annotates byte-by-byte - looking to clean it up
- Megha
- procedural tools for grooming and look dev
- dev days interest: look into how to get started in contributing, looking for something easy, adding and improving tests
- Davide S
- Image capture team, maintain 2d libraries
- dev days interest: interested in the initiative, adding and improving tests, open to other projects
- former Foundry worked on Katana
- Matt G
- spans whole pipeline from real time rendering to output images, use OpenEXR throughout, many tools build against it, great that its in the VFX standard
- dev days interest: general, looking at how to contribute
- Andre M
- Bigger projects on wishlist:
- Investigate new compression schemes - to note Kimball swapped out zlib for libdeflate
- Rod: also an issue how to deal with lossy compression
- Performance metric suite - something easier to validate and evaluate changes
- Support for bfloat16
- Fast way of reading just the header information
- Generate something GPU agnostic that works with DirectStorage
- Rod: more sample images
- not so much what's in them but how they are laid out - e.g. Epic uses multi mipmap tiled images for skies
- Nick: images with different scanline order (everything we currently have is "increasing Y", no "decreasing Y")
- Static libraries fail on FreeBSD, not a problem on other platforms
- Website fixes
- Verifying example code is still functional (possible project for Megha, Cary mentioned)
- Fixed array and buffer protocol in Imath - converting to PyBind11 may be an enormous headache
- Investigate new compression schemes - to note Kimball swapped out zlib for libdeflate