TSC Meeting Notes 2020-08-13
- Cary Phillips
- Christina Tempelaar-Lietz
- Joseph Goldstone
- Kimball Thurston
- Nick Porcino
- Owen Thompson
- Peter Hillman
- Rod Bogart
- Arkell Rasiah
- Eskill Steenberg
Review of slides for Open Source Day. Discussion of the order of topics, slide contents. Need to confirm how Q&A works with the Zoom Webinar. Christina will monitor the chat and read the questions. If there are answers in chat, read them too. Will schedule a tech check/walk-through on Monday.
The tree for the Imath repo should be:
src ├── lib │ ├── Half │ └── Imath ├── python │ ├── PyImath │ └── PyImathNumPy └── test ├── HalfTest ├── ImathTest └── python ├── PyImathNumpyTest ├── PyImathSpeedTest └── PyImathTest
Eskil presented his proposal for a C implementation of ACES spec. Joseph: ACES Central would be a good place for this. ILM’s feeling from the beginning was that the code should be the spec, so there has never been an independent published specification.
Arkell: review some new imagery for the openexr-images repo. Will submit them via a PR.
Owen: This is my 2nd-to-last meeting as GSoC internl. I appreciate everyone’s help. No plans after this. Looking for a job, please contact me with any leads.