

Top threads

Number of threads posted to: 384

Number of new threads: 362

  1. USD for Houdini in Windows and WSL : 89

  2. Colorspaces and color management : 57

  3. USD Preview Surface Specification for Review : 38

  4. Python Env on Mac : 30

  5. Maya USD Plugin - explained : 30

  6. usdview setup : 29

  7. Hydra Curve Widths : 27

  8. Katana plugin build on Windows : 23

  9. LIVRPS sanity check : 21

  10. AssetResolver additional input context : 19

Posts per month

Total number of posts: 2263

Number of posts per thread

Most popular thread: USD for Houdini in Windows and WSL

Number of posts per member

Active members in 2018: 248

~50% of posts come from 6% of active members

New members 

New members in 2018: 471  

Total number of members end of 2018: 1572 (+43%)

Topic Word Cloud

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License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.