August 23, 2023
"@Aaron Luk will present and discuss the new Open USD Asset Validator."
USD checker follow up
Validation Framework for OpenUSD
What is Omniverse?
A lot of contains run through Omniverse.
Asset Validation Framework
It could be available as a standalone
The main features are usdchecker and usdfixbrokenpxrschemas.
A good example is the UsdLux prefixes.
It is nice to have a log with every error
In App
In Connectors
In Microservices
You can validate live on the website once you registered.
With Validation, you could have a debug mode that could help you get the errors ASAP.
The framwork is very generalizable
Is there infrastucture to fix issues?
No yet but we could make it in Python.
NVidia is looking at incremental validation.
Eg : is there is no thumbnail, we could generated on the fly and then relaunch the validation.
Another thing : heavy playload
What are the feature with the validation Framework?
USDChecker : Pixar script
The Omniverse validation sents the issues in a general report.
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License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.