- orn.gunnarsson
Who owns data value resolving. (USD)
Who owns usd<->mtlx synchronization (USD observability)
Who owns the mtlx->usd conversion. Can this is separated out with formal synchronization. (Recent work from Jerry and others for component dependency logic should be discussed). Needs USD to be more open.
Who owns the usd->mtlx conversion. Is it the same as 1. (I don't think so). Needs USD to be more open.
For 3/4 can this be opened up so USD does not own this completely.
Who owns validation (USD)
Who owns reference definitions, who owns implementations (MTLX). Even USDPreviewSurface.
Who owns code generation access.
Who decides what is common material metadata. This has caused "friction" as usdshade and mtlx are not 1:1.
Lossless interop
Applicable USD limitations
Assignment expressions
Round trip:
Mtlx -> USDShade -> Mtlx
Mtlx -> USDShade -> *USDShade (e.g. shot override) -> *Mtlx (with the changes)
Dependency tracking, compatibility, and versioning
Cross referenced documentation
End-to-end colour management
Improve MaterialX - UsdShade updates (both topology and inputs)
USDShade with MaterialX source code
Translation / ShaderGen independent from Hydra
Strive for standardisation but empower diverse workflows
Standardise new shading models
Support workflows relying on custom USD schemas and MaterialX node definitions
Promote MaterialX as a material description in USD
Curate test and validation assets
Promote and document best practices
MaterialX blackbox references, with MaterialX overrides expressed in USD?
General pipeline considerations
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.