May 29, 2024
Discussion on desired features of USD within game engines and editors.
USD game engine
Discussion on desired features of USD within game engines and editors.
What do people need?
In Unreal, it is a barebone integration. We can view stages in Unreal (it is more VFX, Movie).
How can we represent USD scene in Unreal (not necesserly as Runtime)?
How to edit level? In Unreal, you can just load your stage.
Having a translator from USD to Unreal architecture.
Unreal (or any other engine) should be able to edit USD. We should be able to make back and forth edit.
Maybe, we need to have game schema to have asset that are game asset.
Some content creators perfer to place assets in Maya and then export to Unreal. It would be great to be able to have back and forth with Unreal.
Content creators like to work in different DCCs so it could be difficult to assume that source files are identical. USD could solve this issue as being an intermdiate format.
USD could be a primary format and we would write tools only for USD.
Maybe, our group can write down a new plugin for Unreal.
We need to create the list of features we want in the plugin (for Unreal, Unity, etc)
We need to have a list of needs. We need to have a guidance on what is missing. (eg AvatarSchema).
Trivial needs could be how to playback a cut scene, particles effects, physics that could map other physic engine.
we need to have a list of atomic things that we need to do to create a game.
We need to do such as game asset did regarding glTF vs USD. And we could do FBX vs USD and do some roundtripping. Check Guc Pable Delgado (
We could have usd assets in Unreal, FBX in Unreal and then check the differences.
Maybe we could have a secondary USD plugin.
We need to start with stupidly trivial assets and repo. And we can start building from there and then organize them.
We need to have volunteers and time box the work. @Thomas Trently will start the repo and do some tests with a cube.
USD game engine
From @Paolo Emilio Selva :I was wondering if others are considering the idea of a "game engine" that actually sits at the Hydra level, providing edits on Hydra prims instead of USD prims.
@Former user (Deleted) will show a chart for Authoring Domain.
We need to do soeme roundtripping to see the difference between game engines and USD.
Next meetings:
Rez from Thomas
Compound attribute data from SantaMonica Studio
Continue discussion (Frieder, etc)
Have a cube and a repo and in Unreal (Thomas) - end of June
Chart from @Former user (Deleted) for Authoring domain
Next Steps
List of needs
Try round tripping USD to FBX
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License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.