

July 1, 2024

Host: Carol Payne

Secretary: Carol Payne


Carol Payne (TSC Chair
Doug Smythe - ILM
Doug Walker - Autodesk
Jonathan Stone - Lucasfilm
Dennis Adams - Sony
Nick Porcino - Pixar
Cuneyt Ozdas - Autodesk
Mark Titchener - Foundry
Jessica Wang - Pixar

OCIO NanoColor Working Group Meeting Notes

  • Custom Color Spaces

    • Limited to the model in Nick's prototype - closed form inverse, basically matrix and transfer function

    • Wondering if we could provide a concrete example of how a custom colorspace input might look in USD & MaterialX for the SIGGRAPH Deliverables

    • Doug Smythe - want to make sure we don't lock ourselves into a model we can't expand on. 

    • At the same time, we want to stay in scope and not allow infinite operations in custom color spaces, i.e. limit type and order

    • Jonathan: if you need custom color spaces, should you not just use full OCIO? If I put my javascript hat on, I want strict almost hard-coded values not something that a user can input custom

    • Carol: who is our primary user here? Is it the web / javascript? or is it the more "standard" users of our packages i.e. for vfx/animation workflows?

    • Jonathan: it should be the responsibility of the application or full OCIO to get the data into one of the nanoColor spaces for use in the nanoColor library, not nanoColor, even if that space fits in our valid specification

    • Carol: the goals are disparate - keeping the core color space list small and standardized and not frequently changed vs. not allowing limited custom colorspace - you have to have one or the other

    • Carol asks the group to please write down your individual thoughts on custom color spaces in our slack channel for next meeting, so we can all get aligned.

  • OSD Presentation

    • Carol will share the draft presentation to Jonathan, Doug W, Doug S and Nick for feedback today.

  • Next week topics:

    • SIGGRAPH Deliverables

    • MaterialX Specification Questions on Color

    • NanoColor Library Update

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