2024-06-24 NanoColor

2024-06-24 NanoColor

June 24, 2024

Host: Doug Walker

Secretary: Carol Payne


Carol Payne (TSC Chair
Doug Walker - (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Doug Smythe - ILM
Jonathan Stone - Lucasfilm
Mark Reid (TSC).- Animal Logic
Cuneyt Ozdas (TSC) - Autodesk
Remi Achard (TSC) - DNEG
Nick Porcino - Pixar
Thomas Mansencal (TSC) - WetaFX

OCIO NanoColor Working Group Meeting Notes

  • Last meeting, updated the group on the progress of the Color Interop Forum from last week

  • Algorithm that generates the short name based on the color space characteristics (gamma/transfer function, gamut, and image state)

  • Doug S - could the image state be implicit for NanoColor, as it only "allows" scene colorimetry?

  • Doug W - that is introducing ambiguity which might be moving us backward vs where we want to go

  • Jonathan - like the changes around srgb_rec709 etc, but agree that if we can omit "scene" and make it implicit that would be preferred

  • Nick - actually totally fine with specific and verbose names, USD is already there and then some. But will have to maintain the old names and therefore should likely keep them as aliases

  • Anytime the color space name shows up in a file format, the intent would be that it would be a short name 

  • g18_ap1 - group is ok with omitting from the new list

  • Release timing: can be immediate in USD, will plan to add the new names as optional in a 1.39.x release of MaterialX, and make mandatory in 1.4

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