TSC Meeting Notes 2020-08-13
Cary Phillips
Christina Tempelaar-Lietz
Joseph Goldstone
Kimball Thurston
Nick Porcino
Owen Thompson
Peter Hillman
Rod Bogart
Arkell Rasiah
Eskill Steenberg
Review of slides for Open Source Day. Discussion of the order of topics, slide contents. Need to confirm how Q&A works with the Zoom Webinar. Christina will monitor the chat and read the questions. If there are answers in chat, read them too. Will schedule a tech check/walk-through on Monday.
The tree for the Imath repo should be:
src ├── lib │ ├── Half │ └── Imath ├── python │ ├── PyImath │ └── PyImathNumPy └── test ├── HalfTest ├── ImathTest └── python ├── PyImathNumpyTest ├── PyImathSpeedTest └── PyImathTest
Eskil presented his proposal for a C implementation of ACES spec. Joseph: ACES Central would be a good place for this. ILM’s feeling from the beginning was that the code should be the spec, so there has never been an independent published specification.
Arkell: review some new imagery for the openexr-images repo. Will submit them via a PR.
Owen: This is my 2nd-to-last meeting as GSoC internl. I appreciate everyone’s help. No plans after this. Looking for a job, please contact me with any leads.