TSC Meeting Notes 2020-03-05
Cary Phillips
Peter Hillman
Larry Gritz
Kimball Thurston
Christina Tempelaar-Lietz
Gary Mandle
Gary Mandle discussed a research project at Baylor University that involves reducing metameric issues with laser projectors using a 6-color primary system, and he's wondering the best way to store 6-color primary image data in an exr file. The EXR format supports arbitrary channels, although better expert color advice on the project in general can be found at OCIO:Â https://opencolorio.org.
Per the discussion at this week's ASWF CI workgroup, Christina will start looking into converting from Azure to GitHub Actions.
#681 - Kimball will review.
#591 - Lord-Kamina says he'll follow up.
#215 - "make uninstall" is a feature we'd prefer not to support.
#679 - Larry and Peter will respond.
#677 - Cary will follow up.
#610 - Peter will follow up; can be closed out.