TSC Meeting Minutes 2024-08-06
✓Gary Oberbrunner (Dark Star Systems) - Chair
✓John-Paul Smith (BorisFX)
Pierre Jasmin (RE:Vision)
✓Dennis Adams (Sony)
Phil Barrett (FilmLight)
✓Guido Veldkamp (Assimilate)
John Mertic (Linux Foundation)
✓Mikki Wells (BorisFX - Mocha)
✓Paul Miller (Boris FX - Silhouette)
Alexandre Bizeau (Maxon)
Abigail Brady (SideFX - Houdini)
Future Agenda Items:
See the new Agenda github project page at https://github.com/orgs/AcademySoftwareFoundation/projects/26/views/1
Meeting called to order at 11:05am EST.
1.5 is released! Good PR!
Need to push release to github
Paul is willing to work on a promo "getting started" video – will work with Gary
Technical Matters
What do we hope to get done by this time next year?
Template project for users with video
Color extension implementations and shakeout (Phil, J-P?)
Phil & Paul have been implementing it, may need changes
Track OCIO developments: ACES2,
Follow nanocolor project -- could do a nanocolor implementation in our example
Paul's implemented part of this in a new Silhouette release, but it only tells plugins what they're getting, doesn't handle output or negotiation. So it's the very simplest possible host implementation, but it is conformant (per J-P).
Phil also is working on it in Filmlight.
USD: could we build a bridge?
Plugin running in a USD host, host makes USD stage available to plugins, then plugin can add/edit layers
J-P could use this in SynthEyes and Mocha
Could use to transfer 3d camera data
Might not be an image effect at all, but for camera tracking could use both images & USD
Autograph might also want this, see Pierre
Subcommittee: Paul & J-P
Dennis: OTIO effects in project interchange, using OpenFX - who can help drive that?
Could even help get effects into on-set shots, like an EDL/CDL with effects
Could Dennis drive this? I'll back him up
Paul worked on AAF committee, it was complicated to deal with
Find the discussion on OTIO: https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenTimelineIO/discussions/921
Paul: need prop introspection (given name, get type and given suite, get all props)
Should it be an existing prop system or something else?
Paul will experiment with it
What about prop introspection?
Add a processor that runs over the headers, produce JSON
TODO I'll write a doc script to go through the docs & extract some magic tag, produce JSON w/ prop, type, related suite/action
Then the host can build a runtime mapping (we could spit out C++ util)
We rev the property suite to use that mapping
Clip props just get extended, & metadata suite isn't needed as a separate thing.
Might need to support "property list" property datatype, or ClipGetMetadata
Could a property value be of type propertylist? Maybe just use analogy
Paul will try this
First ARM64 Windows host & plugin (BlackMagic?)
What about Natron?
All: please review github, close issues & PRs.
Paul will miss next month, will have some metadata for following meeting
Organizational Matters
Meeting adjourned at 11:58am EST
Meeting recording and transcript
(To find meeting recordings, go to https://projectadmin.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/project/a092M00001MSuGfQAL, find the meeting – link should be in there)
Next month's meeting will be at the usual date and time. We will find a time for an upcoming meeting that works for APAC folks e.g. BlackMagic.