TSC Meeting Minutes 2023-02-07
Phil Barrett (FilmLight), Pierre Jasmin (RE:Vision), Roman Dudek (SGO), Dennis Miller (Sony), Mikki Wells (Boris FX), JP Smith (Boris FX), Peter Huisma (Assimilate), Paul Miller (Boris), Guido Veldkamp (Assimilate), Gary Oberbrunner (Dark Star Systems)
Meeting called to order at 11:02am EST
Organizational Matters
Gary will follow up with John Mertic re: website redo status. In the meantime, we've had an outage on the current site, and it is in a very precarious state. Gary and J-P will see if something can be done.
We received approval for copyright text; Gary will update the PR for that.
A straw poll was conducted of attendees to see where people will see notifications and requests from OpenFX; 6 people said email, 7 said Slack, nobody said Discord. Slack is clearly the preferred channel for quick notifications and discussions. J-P will invite a few TSC members to the Slack channel.
Technical Matters
CMake/Conan build
PR 109 is available for review. Gary will post to Slack.
GPU Suite
Ready to review and merge; needs reviewers
There was some discussion about what will happen if people #include both the Blackmagic private extension header and the new official one.
It will probably be OK, but it should be tested to make sure there aren't any conflicts
In future, the standard should recommend that private extensions should vendor-prefix their header files, symbol names, and string names and values to prevent problems when those extensions are merged into the standard.
There was some discussion of Pierre's GPU notes which exist as a PR on github.
Color Management
PR 63 is an old PR, nothing of use in there. Closed.
Issue 46 is the largest color discussion, now closed in favor of 102
102 and 103 are now the current discussion based on OCIO
PR 103 has new updates from J-P; need review
Original version had the host driving, the new version allows plugins more control -- plugin can say what its preferred input color space
Phil has made comments, it's nicely just OCIO.
Discussed adding a suite to transform images between color spaces, so plugins can transform easily
OR: plugin could say I absolutely need a particular space
OR: "host should make its best effort to honor color space request from plugin"
How can a simple plugin be updated to say "just give me linear"?
Should we use "roles" for plugins to request images
Discussion of plugins that don't want to link with OCIO
Decision: just one property, and host should try to honor it if possible
Pierre asks if it would be possible to return whatever you get
Can the extension codify the role names? Maybe not 100%, but in most cases
New OCIO versions can "inject" new spaces at runtime
Could OpenFX define its own set of minimal small colorspaces?
Should the extension handle different settings for 8 bit vs. float?
current proposal can handle this already
Current proposal was discussed in detail, and seems good
Should there be some pre-defined spaces?
Next steps: Continue discussion, begin implementation, report back next month.
Meeting adjourned 12:33pm EST.
Meeting Recording to be posted once it is ready.