TSC Meeting Minutes 2025-02-04
Gary Oberbrunner (Dark Star Systems)
✓John-Paul Smith (BorisFX) - Chair
✓ Pierre Jasmin (RE:Vision)
Dennis Adams (Sony)
Phil Barrett (FilmLight)
✓Guido Veldkamp (Assimilate)
John Mertic (Linux Foundation)
Mikki Wells (BorisFX - Mocha)
Paul Miller (Boris FX - Silhouette)
Alexandre Bizeau (Maxon)
Future Agenda Items:
See the new Agenda github project page at https://github.com/orgs/AcademySoftwareFoundation/projects/26/views/1
Meeting called to order at 16:06am GMT.
Technical Matters
Clip & Image metadata; Param interp types: As Paul was absent, there was no update on this project.
Arm64: As Gary was absent, there was no update on this project.
Open PRs:
#178 Update colourspace example for more complete coverage
The CI builds are currently failing due to an unrelated issue. Hopefully Gary can look into that once he’s back.
Open Issues:
Organizational Matters
Need to make sure J-P and Pierre have access to all project resources for when Gary is absent.
Meeting adjourned at 16:15am GMT
Meeting recording and transcript: Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing
(To find meeting recordings, go to https://openprofile.dev/my-meetings, find the meeting – link should be in there)
Next month's meeting will be at the usual date and time.