TSC Meeting Minutes 2022-09-06

TSC Meeting Minutes 2022-09-06


  • TSC Members: John-Paul Smith, Pierre Jasmin, Dennis Adams, Phil Barrett, Gary Oberbrunner, Paul Miller, Peter Huisma

  • Visitors: John Mertic, Joshua Minor


  • Meeting called to order at 11:03am EDT

Topic: Dissolving the Association and finalizing joining ASWF

  • Charter is approved, now at ASWF legal. No action needed by TSC.

  • Association resolution to empower directors to dissolve the Association passed

    • We received at least 6 signed replies (out of 8), so that allows the directors to begin the formal process.

  • A mini-meeting of the Association directors was called, and per the members' resolution, the directors agree to dissolve the Association and transfer its assets to the ASWF.

  • Next steps:

    • John will route our agreed IP transfer agreement to one or more directors for a witnessed Docusign signing

    • Peter will figure out accounting, incl legal fees

    • Taxes too -- we are owed a tax refund, which might take a while

    • Company House fees

    • Reclaim VAT for final bills? (not vital if it's small)

  • Peter will try to dissolve by end of Sept

  • Then close bank account too (J-P will talk to HSBC to see what this involves

Next Steps

  • Once the IP transfer is complete, we can move the github account to ASWF

  • Pierre mentioned we should also put the ASWF docs e.g. charter and IP transfer agreement into github in an ASWF  subdir

  • Then we can update copyrights on all the source files -- see https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenTimelineIO/blob/main/maintainers/verify_license.py (thanks to Joshua Minor for that link)

  • Gary brought up the website move, since he's currently paying for it

    • Once we've transferred the IP to ASWF, we can sign over the openeffects.org domain to ASWF and transfer recurring payments to them (AWS)

    • Then later, get ASWF Creative Services to do a redesign

    • It was noted that the current openeffects.org website is hard to update, since it's based on an ancient Ruby on Rails and nobody around can deploy it anymore.

      • We can add news and minutes but not much else.

  • Mailing list content: John will transfer content, and we should deprecate the old lists

    • Gary suggests doing this in October once we're through the joining process

  • Gary asks all committers and TSC members to sign up for github notifications (watch the repo) and please review open PRs

Discussion about adding new TSC members

  • Pierre asks: what is the process for adding TSC members -- Gary says it is in the Governance doc, but there are some details that aren't clear

    • There was discussion about allowing past contributors such as Frederic Devernay and folks from The Foundry and Autodesk to join as committers and/or TSC members, without waiting for them to go through a standard contributor → committer → TSC member path, based on their past contributions 

    • John suggests keeping a paper trail on when and why a person is added/removed as a committer and/or TSC member, to avoid any possibility of bias

    • Update the governance doc as needed as we define and adjust these processes

  • Discussion of whether it makes sense to have a manager/vision type person on the TSC

    • Would we admit someone to the TSC who didn't use github? Gary was not in favor, but Joshua pointed out that sometimes it's good to have someone who is more focused on vision and management in the TSC even if they're not reviewing github PRs. 

    • Joshua says voting almost never has to happen in practice, so TSC membership is actually less of a lever than being a committer. Most TSC decisions are made by consensus in practice.

  • Pierre mentioned we don't have a voting process for standard updates -- in the Association, we had a process where only voting members can veto or request changes 

    • Pierre will suggest updates for STANDARD-PROCESS.md  to account for this

Technical Discussion

  • Gary suggests leaving most tech discussion for now (in the interest of time) and taking it up at the next meeting

  • J-P asks about possible collab between OTIO and OpenFX, especially since Joshua is here

    • Joshua: they (OTIO) are going to add a schema for audio & video effects, which could use our expertise

    • Pierre: OpenFX would like to add a timeline suite that could at least share terminology

      • and ideally see the whole timeline from a plug-in context

    • J-P: we would love to see full rich OpenFX effects transferred between hosts using OTIO

      • Interpolation/keyframes would be something to consider

        • Dennis notes: start with simple values and keyframes, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good

      • spatial coords

      • effect naming

    • Joshua: OTIO usually surveys existing tools, then finds a common denominator -- at least the essentials

      • Sometimes they can take a forward-looking approach, remove interlace/drop-frame etc.

Next meeting: Oct 4th, tentatively same time but will reach out to Rohit and maybe adjust the time. We would like to be able to accommodate members in Asia.

  • John will set up the recurrence

Meeting closed at 12:00pm EDT

Recording is at https://zoom.us/rec/share/24_ifNKYtDZvnETnVLa1SAvrSR_zfUwtJ5XoWd-Bg5saYfGvUHk4mCbXxvdD1Osi.nE9TVRAZUIL3RIJg, passcode 0u@4Br^C