TSC Meeting Minutes 2024-01-02
Gary Oberbrunner (Dark Star Systems), Pierre Jasmin (RE:Vision), Dennis Adams (Sony), Guido Veldkamp (Assimilate), Paul Miller (Boris FX, Silhouette), John-Paul Smith (BorisFX), Peter Kovář (Peak FX)
Future Agenda Items:
Discuss GPU and color handling with Black Magic folks at an upcoming meeting (January?)
Meeting called to order at 11:03am EST.
Technical Matters
All TSC members, please send Gary your github IDs so you can be added to the openfx-maintainers team.
Peter joined;
All: Please send website updates (logos etc.) to Gary
All: if you are not familiar with github workflows, please review https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/github-flow
All: please check github regularly and review issues and PRs
CI and Conancenter: CI builds are working now
Ticket triage and code review
136 & 122: Example Makefile
135: doc update (all plugins in shlib)
134: Doc cleanup
133 PropChoiceValue (PR 129): this was discussed; see below.
132: GPUGain – Dennis to review, get OpenCL working with cmake/conan, and implement OpenCL image path
Issue 127: LUT generator idea – interest?
Phil will implement w/ Greg C in Baselight and report back
Parameter Interpolation (how to set param interp type), cont'd
Pierre will work w/ some host to specify anim type: default, hold, linear, smooth
but maybe more, like control points? Probably not in first version
Pierre (RE:Vision) & Paul (Silhouette) will work on this, & report back
Color updates
J-P will convene a subcommittee to get us to a decision on this: Rohit, Gary, Pierre, Phil (UK), Guido, Dennis, etc.
Rohit is needed to lock down color space names, generic names, not just ACES names
Release date for 1.5: did not discuss
Param Choice:
we had agreed on ChoiceValue but that turned out to be hard to implement
ChoiceOrder is better; Guido did both that and ChoiceValue, and also StrChoice
recommend: ChoiceOrder, but also StrChoice
implemented Order (easy) and also StrChoice
Gary to add 3 choice params to one of the examples: old, order, strchoice (all the same content)
Need query to see if host supports StrChoice?
One option is to try to create a param, it'll fail with a particular error if StrChoice is missing.
Guido will send to the group the property name to check for presence of StrChoice, then Gary will add to the spec
Note: Resolve plugins use this already. So we should require StrChoice in 1.5, and say order is optional.
Gary to update spec and create an example
What's New in 1.5
We'll need to create this doc before releasing 1.5
Issue 85 (ParamClip) is dup of Issue 60
Dennis will comment, Pierre will close one as a duplicate (DONE)
Regarding plugin install dirs: Gary will Make issue for arm64: deprecate x86-64 folder, everything should be in MacOS. No arm64 folder.
What about Windows ARM?
presumably"Future thoughts: iOS, Win-arm64" -- on Linux, use
uname -m
Organizational Matters
To make progress on color issues, we would like to hold an upcoming meeting at an APAC-friendly time. Proposed times are 9am EST (7am AZ, 2pm UK, 10pm Singapore) or 7pm EST (5pm AZ, 12mid UK, 8am Singapore)
Meeting adjourned at 12:20pm EDT