TSC Meeting Notes 2023-07-27
Virtual Town Hall prep
Rod: Presenting twice, for VTH and BoF?
Cary: no presentation at the BoF, just show up and chat
Joseph: will mention new attributes briefly
Nick: will mention USD efforts. Cary: would be good to let people know what you’re thinking.
Larry: C2PA, what to say, since it’s so preliminary? Cary: just mention that we were contacted, will be exploring it.
Binary blob data
Issue comments regarding exif data
Peter: Surprising how much is not in Exif data.
Larry: There’s a spec for it.
Joseph: Have they lost control of the spec? Ring any bells? No.
Imath Vec default constructor, PR #334
Maybe give is_trivially_copyable attribute?
Delegate it to the holding type
My original Imath change was the result of Alex Wells’s analysis
Should review rule of five
ISO spec 4.6 trivally relocatable attribute: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2023/p1144r7.html#wording-dcl.attr.trivreloc
Cary: I’ll respond with next steps
Uniform initialization, PR #337
Cuda changes
Larry: Will break with various CUDA versions