TSC Meeting Notes 2023-05-18

TSC Meeting Notes 2023-05-18


Cary Phillips
Christina Tempelaar-Leitz
John Mertic
Joseph Goldstone
Kimball Thurston
Larry Gritz
Nick Porcino
Peter Hillman
Rod Bogart


  • 3.1.8 release prep:


    • Larry: do we have an ABI compatibility tester?

    • Kimball: I have one, I’ll try it.

    • #1403  valid function pointers - Kimball: I pushed something upstream, I’ll follow up.

    • #1401 sonarscanner - Christina: I’m trying to figure out how to test it

  • Coverage analysis:


    • Cary: Kimball, was your coverage report configured as a cmake target? 

    • Kimball: No, it’s a wrapper script but I could package it that way. 

    • Cary: Please do. Sonarcloud report is wonky sometimes. 

    • Cary: Any reason not to include the core performance test? It covers code that’s not covered in the sonarcloud analysis.

    • Kimball: I wanted better test images.

    • Kimball: Also, I’d like to change the way we’re downloading test images, so it doesn’t download them if they exist already

    • Cary: fine by me.

  • 3.2/4.0 release:


    • Larry: We should cut a 3.2 release with whatever we have by the deadline. 

    • Cary: What further changes should go in?

    • Kimball: rewrite more of the C++ API to use the core. I’ve done some, but for some reason files are not identical, not sure why.

    • Peter: Channel list, image size attributes at the beginning

    • ABI compatibility:


      • Only change the SO version on major changes

    • Would like to get to the point where core and exr libraries don’t change, changes are only in util.

    • Peter: plausible that we change the API around the header. That would mean old/new header objects around for backwards compatibility

  • Future roadmap, 3-5 years, i.e. what big changes do we anticipate?


    • New compression types, but likely backwards compatible

    • Proposed changes to the file format to speed up the GPU reading

    • Header changes: speed up how files are stored on disk.