TSC Meeting Notes 2022-10-20
Revisiting plans for 3.2 release:
Email with Nick Cannon implied it’s no big deal, just send a message to the group, but expectations were tentative anyway.
Cary will send a message to VES committee, but Kimball will draft it first and circulate for review
Should hint that we’ll backport the faster reading operation in a ABI compatible way
Larry: Somebody at Sony was using an obscure header and noticed some stray references to half.h w/no directory. Will encourage her to submit a PR.
Peter: A fuzz issue is still open: fast half decode in Core library. Kimball: Oops, didn’t see that one.
CII Silver/Gold requirements:
Cary: Many items are already met. Potential thorn is test coverage.
Larry: I recently worked on improving OSL coverage. Started at 70%, just broke 80%, would be really hard to get to 90%. OIIO is struggling to get to 70%.
Larry: OpenEXR is no longer passing the SonarCloud gates:
Kimball: I had to generate memory failures
Peter: We have several unreachable error handles
Project Update for the TAC is coming November 30:
Cary: We struggle with Windows support, and addressing test failures on machine setups we don’t have access to
Kimball: I have a Windows laptop for the first time in 20 years!
Cary: We need to do a better job of grooming the next generation of developers/maintainers
Larry: The best way to attract new people is to do exciting things. Nvidia expanding direct loading of GPU.
Kimball: Support bfloat16
Larry: I’d love to have support for 16-bit ints
Kimball: We have to care how that’s encoded. Could allow only certain encodings.
Peter: could we get away with not needing it by clever compression