TSC Meeting Notes 2022-12-01
TAC Project Update next meeting, Dec 14. Review the slide deck:
Profile of project and community
Graphs of commit/PR reviews, TSC vs. non-TSC
Larry: I’m surprised I rank that highly
Cary: You approve a ton of PR’s
Larry: but they’re all small
Cary: so a PR isn’t a consistent unit of technical substance, but sow what.
Larry: We were good about some things early on like Sonarcloud, but they’ve fallen by the wayside, coverage has declined.
Kimball: I had the core at 90% coverage, but it’s slipped.
Cary: Would be good to include stats for issue comments, although it’s like similar to PR’s
Similar to project ideas, but we need a timeline.
Should break the slides into a backlog of ideas vs. what we plan in the next 12 months.
Kimball: C++/Core integration: Have made some steps towards it. Need to restart. What I have is not what we should do. Should delete half of what I’ve done, but do what Larry was talking about first.
Need entry on ABI compatible. Which has dependencies on Imath. Lessening the impact on changes between VFX platform years.
Should call out issues where we’d like contributions from the community.
Kimball: Yes, like the threadpool stuff. I would love someone to submit a PR that does at configurable threadpool/workerpool.
Peter: call out which things are file format changes vs. ABI change
Contributions that don’t require ABI change or format, they’re easier
Wave says there are changes at Apple that haven’t made it back to us.
We should mention Aras, not on TSC, but he made an analysis that was very useful. Should mention him.
Joseph: By 2023/24 hope to bring something back from SMPTE re standard attributes
Pkg-config issue
Nick: I got confused
Kimball: should make it a config option
Peter: Confusion in the terminology. Relative to where the file is, or relative to a variable?