TSC Meeting Notes 2022-11-03


Cary Phillips
Christina Tempelaar-Leitz
John Mertic
Joseph Goldstone
Kimball Thurston
Larry Gritz
Nick Porcino
Peter Hillman
Rod Bogart


  • TAC project update:


    • Mention Imath

    • Example images


      • Larry: We don’t have a modern production image with the metadata you’d expect.

      • Larry: I come across EXR images with godawful numbers of channels or parts

      • Joseph: I have some Alexa image that was crafted to use all 17 stops

      • Kimball: CG torture test 17 depth channels and 43 AOV’s

      • Peter:  should update the deep stuff. A production-level complexity deep file

      • Can serve as a benchmark

      • Peter: some standard images around useful to talk to vendors

      • Joseph: I sent out a communication to marketing people about some sample images

      • Joseph: Need an updated photo of Rod’s office.

    • Cary: should mention outreach to maintainers and alternate bindings projects


      • Joseph: frustration that macports people don’t even respond

      • Peter: redhat/suse people reached out about a problem after a release

      • Kimball: some kind of beta with them

      • Larry: ideally they see our release-staging issues.

      • Kimball: OpenEXR wrappings, or just OIIO?

      • Larry: not having a python binding is not as big a problem as that there’s a lame one out there.

      • Larry: It’s the decoupling of the efforts that causes the friction

      • Nick: Invite them to come by and talk 

      • Larry: Before, there wasn’t the option

      • PyOpenEXR

  • Threading crash on Windows shutdown: 


    • Kimball: I’m solving the Rubix cube blind, hoping to get the fix for random crash

    • Give it another week or so.

  • Larry’s proposed API extension PR:


    • Larry: it deserves much more of a discussion about what we want a stateless API to be. Needs to consider the deep, multipart.

  • Next release: 


    • Kimball: the C++ library doesn’t link against the core.

    • Peter: not a drop-in replacement

    • Cary: Plan for a 3.2 or 4.0

    • Nuke does link against the core