TSC Meeting Notes 2024-04-18
Diagram mentioned in #1687 understanding openEXR's 3D coordinate system
It’s too confusing, just delete it.
Cary: I’m close to a draft of a rewrite of the openexr python bindings using pybind11
Kimball’s PR:
They’re bug fixes to address expanded tests on the C++ side.
Core library didn’t allow you to have an unknown part type
Path I’ve been going down: The PR does represent a downgrade in performance
Separate branch?
ABI will break for sure.
Other change we’ve considered: switch to stable namespace
Add note to README and website about unstable main
Header deprecated? For now.
No globals (except for a few defaults)
The Header class can exist before there’s a file.
I haven’t decided how to handle attributes in headers before the file exists.
Header gets read twice, but that will go away eventually.
We should bump the ABI number, I’ll put that in.
THen I’ll pull the core changes out and put those into main.
Peter we need to talk about ID manifests
Setup CI to test the new branch