TSC Meeting Notes 2024-12-12
Pierre-Anthony Lemieux, Sandflow Consulting
Michael Smith, Intel
Cary: Proposed CI changes - PR #1921
separate steps workflow in ci_steps.yml
validate install_manifest.txt
Peter: could validate that the release tag is consistent with the version numbers in openexr_version.h, to catch the error of tagging a release but neglecting to update the version.
Kimball: Maybe we could use Common Package Specification as a way of formalizing the contents of an install https://cps-org.github.io/cps/overview.html
Peter: We should have a CI build that compiles and runs the tests with the stanitizer options
Does anyone use 422 subsampling?
Kimball: probably not, it’s old, was there from the beginning.
Peter: No need for all compression types to support it, so just remove the test. For example, deep doesn’t support subsampling.
Gone down a rabbit-hole with DWA compression, working on an alternative to the lookup tables
Cary: connecgted with the OSTIF folks about security audit, will schedule a kick off in January.