

Review and Approval WG kickoff


  • John Mertic

  • Luis Villanueva (DreamWorks)

  • Sean Wallitsch (DreamWorks)

  • Mark Jackels (DreamWorks)

  • Michael Kessler (Epic Games)

  • Kevin O’Neal (Autodesk / Shotgun)

  • Henry Vera(Dneg)

  • Erik Strauss (Netflix)

  • Darby Johnston(DJV)

  • Larry Gritz (Sony Pictures Imageworks)

  • Cottalango Leon (Sony Pictures Imageworks)

  • Alex Wilkie (Animal Logic)

  • Joshua Minor (OpenTimelineIO)

  • Balroop Johal (Animal Logic)

  • Chris Hall (AMD)

  • Bruno Sargeant (Unity)

  • Kevin Wheatley (Framestore)

  • Kimball Thurston (Weta Digital)


- Welcome/Intros

- Discuss purpose of this working group and background

- Select WG leader(s)

- Align on proposal ( template at https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/tac/blob/master/process/wg_readme_template.md )

- Next steps and meeting cadence.

Meeting Notes:

Thank you Luis!

  • Based on surveys/discussions on the challenges studios face is the need for standardization, simplification, and improved integration into review systems.

  • There are commercial solutions, but are looking more to create an overall framework for how to tackle this.

  • Challenges include:


    • Need for improved performance

    • Different players for different needs (e.g. flp book players, 

    • Need to support per facility (even user) customization (e.g. hot keys)

  • Should define what we expect to get out of this working group -- should setup clear expectations.


    • Wide representation to from chip makers to VFX houses

    • What are we going to do and what are we not gonna do?

  • Erik Straus + Bruno Sargeant will be leading the group, subject to availability.


    • Kimball Thurston is the TAC sponsor

  • Media Review has been one of the topics that has come up time and time again during ASWF foundation discussions and surveys

  • This gained renewed interest due to the WFH reality brought upon from COVID; there was dissatisfaction about existing solutions

  • Mission for this group isn’t too figure it all out, but rather to reduce/clarify the scope of this problem

  • If we agree that this something worth collaborating on we should definitely move forward, but if not then this group may not be the right place

  • ES - should spend some time to define the space and clarify the complexity of the issue and what scope of influence actually is -- this will help the ASWF decide how to move forward


    • The outcome of this group may be nothing, and the energy around this space may be better served focusing on other initiatives

  • Should identify a baseline that’s shared among all participants

  • What is review and approval?

  • The challenges differ depending on use case

  • Lots of different

  • The ability to view media and gain approval - Luis

  • Should we limit ourselves to 2D media?


    • Adding 3D review capability would be a great long term goal


      • Many 3D objects can be turned into 2D spins

    • Just defining 2D review capability is a big enough projecte

  • Multi-track video should definitely be included.

  • Approval as information that comes out of a review, what are we capturing


    • Notes, annotations, etc?

  • What forum are these reviews taking place? (theaters, at desk, etc)

  • Should avoid getting into too much into the weeds; maybe we can start thinking of general inputs and outputs

  • Might be worth looking at SciTech talks around this topic as a starting point to help narrow the scope and also identify common approaches

  • DWA some documentation around this that might be worth sharing.

  • Should also get the user perspective in this group -- should try bringing some of our colleagues along for future sessions

  • Is there a position ASWF has in regard to this issue/space? What do we see the solution for this actually being? Open Source? Vendor.

  • Are there high level goals that should be considered?


    • Many vendors have a variety of tools but can we make sure these tools interoperate with each other (similar to OTIO)

  • Even just defining the problem space, even if nothing else gets done, would be a big win

  • Feels like the feeling at large is that current set of open source and 3rd party solution are somehow lacking in this space


    • Also, even if a studio/facility has a great solution the bigger question is whether it’s worth continuing to develop a separate application themselves or somehow become part of a larger community effort

    • Is there an awesome player/solution out there that could be open sourced?

    • Or is there the possibility to collaborate in some type of “next gen” solution?

  • We should consider the end users as well since they are a key part of the review/approval processes

  • Goals:

  • Helping to define what review and approval mean

  • Identify the ecosystem and its capabilities


    • Not just a single tool, several tools come together to provide the necessary experience/functionality

  • Identify what are the contexts these reviews play out in


    • Who are the consumers/personas involved?

  • Identify what are the challenges that users (studios, vendors, etc) are facing in this space


  • Erik to take an initial stab at defining the initial definition for review and approval


    • Then as a group we can review/revise them

  • Should start building the persona/consumer list

  • Might be useful to have a companies who are willing to “pull back the curtain” and share how they are handling review and approvals

  • May also be helpful to compile a list of available review solutions

  • Still need to define the boundaries for this group


    • This groups outcome may likely be a recommendation for the ASWF

  • SPI and Weta may be able to do a presentation of their systems

  • Should establish how the artifacts generated by this group will be handled -- need to figure out what companies are comfortable with

  • Meeting cadence should be every two weeks for now (everyone’s busy) though the exact time of the week is still up for discussion

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