Annotations and Notes User Stories

Annotations and Notes User Stories

Review and Annotation User Journeys

1. Artist needs Supervisor to comment on some media (No database)

  1. Artist emails supervisor path to movie file.

  2. Supervisor loads media, and annotates/writes comments on movie file. annotations are saved out to file-system.

  3. Artist loads annotations back into their own review tool.

2. Artist needs Supervisor to comment on some media (with database)

Note, this is a one-off review for somebody needing immediate feedback.

  1. Artist creates media, and registers it with database.

  2. Artist IM supervisor asking for quick review with ID of media.

  3. Supervisor loads media given ID (e.g. clicking on link), and annotates/writes comments into database system, possibly as part of a synced review.

  4. Artist loads annotations back into their own review tool loading directly from database.

3. Artist submits to Dailies (In-house review)

  1. Artist creates media, and registers it with database, marking it for dailies review (possibly including slate information, e.g. notes on what to review for).

  2. At start of dailies, the list of current media available for review is converted to a playlist ready for review. (NOTE, ideally this is more dynamic, some reviews can go on for hours, it can help if the "playlist" is the dynamic list of things to be reviewed, so that items can be added to the list as the review happens). Documentation of the review should include:

    1. Where the review is happening - (e.g. which screening room).

    2. Who is present (i.e. making the comments)

    3. What time did the review happen.

    4. Review title - Note, this might be tagged based on department.

  3. For each item in the review, the supervisor will where necessary add notes or annotations to the media. The Notes and annotations will be stored in the database for the artist to refer to later.

    1. Notes are sometimes taken by coordinators in the review to help speed up the review process. This means that the annotations and notes may be created on separate computer systems by different people and need to be combined later.

  4. Artist loads annotations back into their own review tool loading directly from database.

4. Artist submits to Dailies (Multiple review, Department review, VFX Supe Review).

This is really a follow on from (3), but where for larger facilities there might be more than one level of review before something is submitted for director finals.

3.1-3.3 are the same.

If at 3.3 the media is considered good for additional review (e.g. from team→ department or team→ VFX Supervisor), we then repeat steps 3.2 and 3.3 for the secondary reviews. NOTE, it may be important to be able to pass addiitonal notes for the secondary reviews so they know what to review for, e.g.:

  • Work in progress (WIP)

  • For Final

  • To get feedback on an aspect of a shot.

5. Facility (A) sending Media to Facility (B) for review and feedback.

  1. Facility A identifies a number of items of media to facility B for review. A spreadsheet is created that lists the Facility A ID, along with notes for why the media is being reviewed.

  2. Media is sent to Facility B using Prores/EXR's for encoding.

  3. Facility B - ingests media, Facility B - adds its own ID to identify each of the media. It also re-encodes the media to H264, which adds an overlay with the Facility B ID, and timecode.

  4. Facility B - A review is held of new media, VFX Sup annotates media, coordinator also adds notes based on VFX Sup comments.

  5. A second review occurs with Director, who adds their own annotation and comments (e.g. final, CBB, etc).

  6. Any annotations and notes are sent back to Facility A.

  7. Annotations and notes are ingested into Facility A production tracking system, ideally using facility A's ID.

6. Supervisor gives supplemental annotations for an outsource vendor to bid.

  1. Production compiles all shots to be bid by an external vendor.

  2. Production sits with Supervisor to confirm the work that needs to be bid, by shot.

  3. Supervisor pulls in the plate of specific (or all) shots to draw on top of the frames, to clarify the notes.

  4. Production sends the reference movie file, the shot breakdown, and annotated images to vendor to bid.

Top level description of what annotations and notes mean to different people.


Need to specify how reviews, do they create playllists. – and how does it create an OTIO file, how do they co-exist.

Need to know what is seen what was not reviewed.

We need VendorID = 

What is an annotation?

  • a relationship between information...

  • A representation(s)

Annotation styles (Drawn)

  1. Callouts - Draw an arrow, or a circle. 

  2. Basic draw-overs - showing a direction of flow, can include pressure sensitivity. - Not extensive brush palettes.

  3. Paint-over - I want it to look like "this". – does have brush palettes.

Annotation styles (3D)

Ways to give feedback

  1. Drawn

  2. Audio

  3. Video

  4. Reference

  5. Color

  6. Annotation of Wipe/or Dissolve? - There are multiple pieces of media, what are we associating it to?

  7. Human Tagging or Automated Tagging & Classification (ML driven)

  8. Text

  9. Dataset


Notes are the documentation and todo list.

DO we have a session - The context of where the meeting is, who is there.

Three Pieces Here:

  1. What am I working on

  2. What am I drawing

  3. "Namespace Server"

Problem: How do I define "validity" of the annotation when I see it

Problem: There's a gap in common rendering of annotation

Problem: Selecting - how to choose what you're drawing on or related to