January 28, 2022
Kick-off with introductions
Set the context & purpose of this group
Define goals
Find group chair
Set meeting schedule and communication channels
Discuss first steps
Member introductions
Context & purpose of this group
the experience of trying to implement schemas for import and export for a specific tool is challenging
although schemas are clearly defined it's hard to figure out how to use them in practice
build confidence in the universal part of USD when going from one tool to another
Assets & data
where do we land on the asset spectrum: tiny unit tests .. real production assets ? pipeline focused .. production focused?
need to be careful not to overlap with ASWF Assets group to much
both ends are useful. start with tiny unit tests first?
which metadata should be provided?
integrate SideFX asset structure guidelines?
screenshots of assets?
Nvidia and Pixar working on render diff testing framework
large production assets (e.g. Moana) interesting to look at but too huge/complex to effectively work with
still useful to replicate "real work messy production assets"
stress tests?
Define goals
provide sample assets for each schema
extract assets from ALab
have python/c++ scripts to generate alongside with assets to demo how to programatically create files?
is it necessary to write a USD spec?
write documentation for composition? videos?
most companies have done so inernally already
tag created assets to make it easier to search them?
Find group chair
Jeremy Cowles (Unity) kindly volunteered to chair this group.
Alexander Schwank (Apple) to step in if Jeremy is unavailable for a meeting.
Set meeting schedule and communication channels
Meeting scheduled every 4 on Friday at 9am Pacific.
Meeting to be added to https://lists.aswf.io/calendar
Related content
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.