

Asset Repository WG - 22 Dec 2020


[x] Michael Johnson (Apple) + WG Chair

[x] Eric Enderton (NVIDIA, DigiPro)

[x] Roman Zulak (Imageworks)

[x] Dhruv Govil (Apple)

[x] JT Nelson (Pasadena Open Source consortium / SoCal Blender group)

Wave’s Discussion w/OpenEXR group

  • Have two types of assets:


    • fuzz images / bug images:  regression tests, robustness tests. Mostly useful to OpenEXR project.

    • production scale images: old, not at suitable level. Mostly synthetic.

  • Mainly interested in complicated push-the-edge images. Not as interested in best practices / simple examples. 150 AOVs.  Deep images - fragmented leaves etc.

  • Concern about Docker image becoming unwieldy large.

  • Cary: Maybe a requirement for ASWF project could be having an example repo?  Cary, Nick, Larry felt the hurdle was worth it.

  • Cary: Samples are separate github repo.

  • Who’s going to do the work


    • Packaging of Moana could include a bunch of OpenEXRs ? 

    • Google Summer of Code? No those have to be code, not TD work etc.

    • Joseph Goldstone: Academy Sci Tech interns? 

    • ASWF “Summer of Production” interns?

    • D+I interns

    • Need an active production person to guide the intern to create images that match the pipeline complexity and shape of production EXRs.

  • Where to host assets that don’t match a project


    • Are they not ASWF’s business?

    • Let’s ask Nick Cannon, did you host because there was nowhere else, or because Disney wanted to host themselves?

    • ASWF could still host portable or modified versions. Or provide an alternative host.

  • Assets hosted with a project


    • Followup: Bring up at TAC.

    • Assets with a project have a certain credibility, and guarantee.

    • Badge them which are old / new ?   EXR 3.0 …

    • Roman: By the time a project is ready for ASWF, it will have production test data.

    • But often proprietary. Pixar has a large USD test set, that they can’t publish. OSL assets: Sony has tons but OSL (OSS) doesn’t.

Wave’s meeting with w/Matt Luhn, director of upcoming Blender short

  • https://cloud.blender.org/films/sprite-fright

  • Ex Pixar.  Production designer worked on Up, Finding Dory, etc

  • Wave will follow up with producer of the film, Francesco Siddi


    • could we get EXRs

    • could we get cuts (OpenTimeline)

    • OpenVDB?

  • JT: Assets shared across divisions more often now - production, marketing, merchandise.

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