USD for Technical Directors
USD for Technical Directors
What's a Technical Director?
- Has artistic background but not necessarily working on day-to-day shotwork
- Sets up everything needed for shots
- May be more likely to know Python than C++
- May generate custom schemas including codeless schemas
- May customize DCC tools via plugins and custom configuration
Learning Resources
- USD Code Samples: Short code snippets demonstrating common tasks and features of USD.
- USDPluginExamples A collection of example USD plugins and plugin build tools
- USD Cookbook Colin Kennedy's USD code and asset samples
Additional Resources
Helpful Tools
- Animal Logic VSCode Highlighting (.usd, .usda, .usdc)
- Syntax Highlighting for vim, emacs & sublime (.usda)
- PyCharm Plug-in (.usda)
Related content
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.