

March 25, 2024

Host: Carol Payne, Doug Walker

Secretary: Carol Payne


Carol Payne (OCIO)
Doug Walker (Autodesk, OCIO)
Shane Smith
Petr Zloty (UPP)
Scott Geffert (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Melissa Faucher (Illumination Studios Paris)
John Paul Smith (Boris FX, OpenFX)
Sean Cooper (ARRI, OCIO)
David Morin (ASWF)
Christophe Verspieren (Illumination Studios Paris)
Kurt Heumiller (National Gallery, DC)
Thomas Mansencal (WetaFX, OCIO)
Alain Compagnat (Autodesk, OpenRV)
Remi Achard (DNEG, OCIO)
Charles Boileau (RodeoFX)
Larry Gritz (SPI, OIIO/OSL)
Brodie Hefner
Mark Reid (Animal Logic, OCIO)
Emily Olin (Linux Foundation)
Nick Porcino (Pixar, USD)
John Joumaa (RodeoFX)
Annie Chang (Universal, ACES)
Jim Geduldick (SMPTE RIS)
Dennis Adams
James Rogers
Rajesh Ramachandran (Qube Cinema)
Luca Fascione (NVIDIA)


ASWF Color Interop Forum Notes

Link to Slide Deck:


  • Introductions

    • Jean-Paul - OpenFX TSC. Working on a color extension. Has similar needs to MaterialX maybe - trivially, with or without OCIO

    • Scott Geffert - cultural heritage. Issues with photogrammetry and where 2D collides with 3D. ISO standards, etc. Mostly ICC, scene referred. OCIO is a totally new world, need to figure out how to make it all work together. Interested in 2D and 3D crossover interop. Many in our community are facing issues with managing color-especially for photogrammetry from 2D source capture to the 3D pipeline. We have made progress, but moving from ICC to OpenCOlor IO is not clear. We have deep experience in Scene Referred imaging and have created ISO standards for artwork reproduction along with objective verification methods including aims and tolerances. Curious how work on ISO HDR for still imaging fits with OpenEXR for example. Photogrammetry applications are inconsistent in terms of color management.

    • Kurt - need to have a good translation between industries and disciplines - cultural heritage to VFX to finishing, etc. 

    • Petr - Curious about good workflows to handle and improve the texture/shader color pipeline.

    • Jim - chair Interoperability at SMPTE RIS one of our current subgroups is our Color initiative. Interested in the work across the larger groups tackling color across the various fields.

  • Open discussion on initial list of work items

    • Luca - spectral? Yes/no?

    • Doug - current standards and work is tristimulus RGB based, but spectral does keep coming up as an exciting area

    • This forum could be a jumping off place for such work - an information gathering session that projects could use as work descriptions, or starting points for implementation in their projects

    • Jim - speaking of cultural, it’s also important in props and on-set matching. Example: matching a carpet color to camera/LED/VFX etc.

    • Charles - communication of color? Between departments, etc, formats - best practices, documentation for non-technical people as well as folks familiar with color. Could use specific issue descriptions to talk further about this issue.

    • Mark R - color accuracy in a web browser

    • Luca - recommendations for color accuracy problems between OS’s, applications, browsers, etc

  • Next steps

    • Next meeting will discuss the standard set of colorspaces for use in textures/renderers. 

    • We'll have github, wiki etc set up by then.

Recording Link:


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