

March 1, 2021

Host: Michael Dolan


Michael Dolan (TSC Chair) - Epic Games
Mark Titchener (TSC) - Foundry
Evan Wilson - Blender Foundation


Note: Meeting day change caused confusion about meeting time, so some of the group were unable to attend.

OCIO UX Working Group Meeting Notes

  • Process proposal:

    • Discussing this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_NS2UMSjbkqoMI_tvdsaOvd8NIYg3MeWQ8pKpXFQEgM/edit?usp=sharing

    • Slack update from Michael summarizing document edits, a process proposal, and group discussion and conclusions:

      • We discussed a plan of action to start working through outlining guideline proposals and the process for reviewing those details as a group.

      • First, I've proposed that we omit the config author aspects of the UX guidelines, at least for now. This will allow us to focus on app development guidelines, which will help with OCIO v2 adoption overall. It's also very hard to provide config author guidelines since they will differ between industries and studios, and are likely harder to agree on. So all of those parts of the ideas doc are highlighted in red.

      • Second, the app dev sections of the ideas doc have been broken up into green and yellow highlighted points. The green points are what I thought would be critical for an app dev to know when approaching an OCIO integration, and the yellow sections are more nuanced technical details and/or things that could be done with OCIO, but are not necessary to support OCIO (e.g. NamedTransforms, Grading transforms, using OCIO as a toolbox, etc.). Feel free to adjust these choices if you disagree.

      • Each topic now has a Contributor: NAME line for anyone who wants to participate to put their name on, to volunteer to outline a guideline proposal for that topic. This means you would write up an informal outline of the guidelines you think should exist for this topic. This could include bullet lists, writeups, sketches, etc. and would have the goal of being a concise proposal to bring back to the working group for discussion.

      • Each week we can then present our ideas on different topics and discuss and agree on a refined version of each. Once we've worked through each topic we can start formalizing the polished document and creating any mockups or examples that are needed.

      • This was discussed with only half of the group that has attended previous meetings, so is certainly open to other ideas, but if we're in agreement with this approach, please drop your name onto a section with the goal of having something to share and discuss at the next meeting. Again, this can be informal and doesn't need to take a ton of time to prepare.

    • Other discussion points:

      • Mark: Agree with focusing on app developer guidelines, which will also help drive config authoring UX.

      • Evan: On Windows still some issues with utf-8 vs utf-16. Non standard glyphs can make it hard to find configs not on the same Windows drive. Issue with wide characters since windows uses utf-16 instead of utf-8. Some regions have glyphs in paths that cause issues. Would like to contribute to help resolve these issues.

      • Michael: The ACES document Evan shared last meeting is good example of how our guidelines could be written, not overly complicated, but clear.

      • Evan: What is deliverable for this group? Document? OCIO docs?

        • Mark: Ideas doc to start and then more formed doc with content we write. Eventually add to the docs.

        • Michael: Also hope to include code examples, including potentially extending ociodisplay as an example.

  • Items for next meeting agenda:

    • Documentation build questions/thoughts from Zach.