

August 16, 2021

Host: Michael Dolan


Christophe Brejon - Illumination MacGuff
Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Deke Kincaid - Digital Domain
Michael Dolan (TSC Chair) - Epic Games


  • Mark Titchener

OCIO UX Working Group Meeting Notes

  • Next Steps:

    • Summary: Michael will start porting UX ideas doc data to the OCIO Wiki (Confluence) where sections can be templated and added as pages. We can iterate from there and add comments, etc. Each page will have a status to indicate which topics are just proposals in discussion, and which have consensus. It's too early to publish this data as final, but this format will make it more discoverable.

  • OCIO implementation matrix:

    • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-MWKevo4BhJk29V-YRA0bJFPSWzwv-v8xWUU4g8nwpw/edit?usp=sharing 

    • Christophe shared an in-progress spreadsheet analyzing supported OCIO implementation details by DCC. This looks at default roles, OCIO management UX, and how they handle input color spaces, displays, views, etc.

      • Christophe: Working spaces are interesting. Some apps lock it down. Nice to have custom role with fallback to standard role like Mari has. Talking to SideFX and other vendors about OCIO implementation and default roles.

      • Deke: There's 22 different color space defaults in Nuke depending on input media type. Not all in GUI. Need to look in header and setup callbacks. Should be editable in the GUI in the future. Explained in the bottom of this page:

      • Christophe: Noticed that apps don't all default or fallback to texture_paint role for texture color spaces like Mari. 

        • Deke: In Mari you can also specify "scalar" or "color" color spaces. Need that in other apps too when painting textures. Scalar should be raw.

      • PATHSEARCHRULE column:

        • Doug: Maya 2022 supports overriding file rules in app.

      • OCIO BOARD UI column:

        • Christophe: Board UI is standard panel for driving OCIO integration in app. Roles, working space, config path, preferences, etc. 

        • Michael: We can include this in the UX guidelines, with mockup.

    • Doug: What's the next step following analysis? Recommendations for override roles, etc? What actions can we take?

      • Christophe: I can add content to Confluence, and put this data in there. Can use that while talking to DCC developers too. Would help to also improve the docs around color-picking role. Can show tree structure next time.

      • Doug: Current color picking role doc: 

        • "color_picking - colors in a color-selection UI can be displayed in this space, while selecting colors in a different working space (e.g. scene_linear or texture_paint)."

      • Christophe: Can be confusing. The "display" word is misleading. Could talk about selecting in that space, etc.

      • Michael: Also was no consensus on how to use color_picking role in config WG. Could document the two common uses there too.

      • Christophe: Training is important. Many artists want to understand OCIO better. Would be useful to have videos too.

  • Items for next meeting agenda:

    • Look at UX guideline data in OCIO wiki