TSC Meeting Notes 2024-01-11
TSC Meeting Notes 2024-01-11
- Cary Phillips
- Christina Tempelaar-Lietz
- John Mertic
- Joseph Goldstone
- Kimball Thurston
- Larry Gritz
- Nick Porcino
- Peter Hillman
- Rod Bogart
- Li Ji
- Cary: Uniform Type Identifier issue from TAC meeting. Anything to do here?
- Larry: all looks good, mostly just wanted to know if “open” should be in the type for exr, but that’s a no.
- OpenSSF Badge:
- Internationalization:
- Larry: all VFX facilities speak english. The benefits of internationalizing OpenEXR are minimal.
- Peter: English appears primarily in error messages. Could switch that to an ID system.
- Cary: We can’t add much value beyond the user’s ability to run error messages through Google Translate.
- John: Can probably get by just explaining that.
- Security policy
- John: here’s an example:
- Nick:
- Still working on Zips core bugs
- We have extensive tests for OpenEXR, but not for OpenEXRCore, things not tested for.
- We have pride in the stability of the OpenEXR library, would like to get core to that point.
- Channel order: If you write to RGBA, it writes them out alphabetized but not the data.
- Took me 3 weeks to learn core, documentation is hand-wavy, the tests are not a good reference to read a file.
- Doesn't say if I'm reading a tiled file and the image isn’t aligned with the window.
- Core can’t read all the test images
- I’ve only experienced crashes in experiments with the API
- Peter:
- Kimball wrote the original core parser.
- CheckFile doesn’t validate if it reads it correctly, only that it doesn’t crash
- Larry:
- Last version of OIIO switched to core, blender folks encountered bug.
- OIIO only reads with core, doesn’t write
- Larry:
- PR Fix issue with decompressing fp32 dwa files #1591
- Peter:
- OpenEXR test suite should read and write every file in the openexr-images test suite.
- Iterate through all compression types, writes, reads, validates. Should be expanded to core.
- Will the files be byte-identical? Not sure.
- Li:
- Zip compression interprets the data as bytes, not half or float.
- Peter: same with deep. It doesn’t compress very well.
- Peter: DWA compression is better than run zip and hope for the best.
- Joseph:
- Can’t compress in camera
- Red has a patent on compressed raw.
- Peter: would have to demosaic first, then write.
- That’s why HD is so effective
- Peter: what is missing from openexr that puts people off?
- Can cameras output exr?
- Has to run faster than realtime.
- Joseph: DITs will send you flowers
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