TSC Meeting Notes 2019-11-15
- Cary Phillips
- Christina Tempelaar-Lietz
- Kimball Thurston
- Peter Hillman
- Nick Porcino
- Larry Gritz
- Rod Bogart
Ready to move the repo to https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation
We prefer “OpenEXR” over “openexr”, even though it makes for confusing directory names, given the sub-module called OpenEXR.
But... should we consider doing the IlmBase/Imath repo reorg at the same time? Postpone the port to pybind11 to eliminate boost/boost-python? No consensus arrived at yet.
Cary will follow up with a written proposal to openexr-dev.
Discussed how the repo README.md and openexr.com refer to the ancillary repos, openexr-images in particular. The existence of the image repo should be made clear.
Rod will attempt an alternative layout of the README/website information.
Threading/thread pools: Larry will follow up with SideFX over whether the OpenEXR v2.3.0 threadpool changes adequately address their immediate concerns.
Longer term, Larry will follow up on the thread pool issue across all ASWF projects.
OpenEXR has simple needs, we shouldn’t complicate it. We would pefer not to make OpenEXR depend on TBB.
Larry submitted clang-format build target. No one has tried it out yet. A good time to run a massive reformatting is when the repo reorg happens.