TSC Meeting Notes 2019-11-15


  • Cary Phillips
  • Christina Tempelaar-Lietz
  • Kimball Thurston
  • Peter Hillman
  • Nick Porcino
  • Larry Gritz
  • Rod Bogart


  • Ready to move the repo to https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation

  • We prefer “OpenEXR” over “openexr”, even though it makes for confusing directory names, given the sub-module called OpenEXR.

  • But... should we consider doing the IlmBase/Imath repo reorg at the same time? Postpone the port to pybind11 to eliminate boost/boost-python? No consensus arrived at yet.

  • Cary will follow up with a written proposal to openexr-dev.

  • Discussed how the repo README.md and openexr.com refer to the ancillary repos, openexr-images in particular. The existence of the image repo should be made clear.

  • Rod will attempt an alternative layout of the README/website information.

  • Threading/thread pools: Larry will follow up with SideFX over whether the OpenEXR v2.3.0 threadpool changes adequately address their immediate concerns.

  • Longer term, Larry will follow up on the thread pool issue across all ASWF projects.

  • OpenEXR has simple needs, we shouldn’t complicate it. We would pefer not to make OpenEXR depend on TBB.

  • Larry submitted clang-format build target. No one has tried it out yet. A good time to run a massive reformatting is when the repo reorg happens.