TSC Meeting Notes 2019-08-22
- Rod Bogart
- Joseph Goldstone
- Larry Gritz
- Cary Phillips
- Nick Porcino
- Christina Tempelaar-Lietz
- Kimball Thurston
- Release 2.4.0
- Other items
Windows builds are running, but tests are failing.
Windows test failure appears to be a “device timeout” in IlmImfTest, not sure how to proceed. Might be an Azure job setting?
Release version should be named v2.4.0-beta.1
What to do with PR #502? Alignment issue, but it’s only in the test suite. Probably ok.
Need to update release notes with recent commits. Kimball suggests the GitHub project git-chglog.
Still need a security expert. Kimball suggests Dan Hutchinson at Foundry, who was a security expert in the past.
Florian is enthusiastic about contributing new test images. Need to decide what we need to show off. Florian suggests carefully calibrated images to show what a properly exposed image is.
Rod noted that ACES has reference images.
Another application for these images: calibration. Need reference for monitor calibration.
Joseph: an image that can help answer the question, “Does this look right?” image. Joseph described a past project that involved $100 at Safeway: Pepto Bismol pink, etc. Everyone knows what those colors are.
Also need images for a performance suite.
Also need relevant survey of metadata.
We need a document that says what stuff is called, conventions.
Outstanding issue: PR #531, the DreamWorks Lossy Compression license. Is the change sufficience? It's a dual license: pick which license the user wants to use.
Joseph: Half as a separate library? Support in GCC and Clang for 16-bit float? Would there be a performance gain to use standard? Yes. But Half does very specific rounding. With float16 you can do different rounding. Could use operators to make Half and float16 look the same.