TSC Meeting Notes 2019-05-09

TSC Meeting Notes 2019-05-09


  • Cary Phillips
  • Larry Gritz
  • Peter Hillman
  • John Mertic


We discussed mail aliases and settled on a single alias, openexr-dev@lists.aswf.io. Cary will send a message to the old aliases requesting that people sign up for the new one. After a grace period, we’ll import the old list history into the new list and then disable the old lists altogether. That’s better than importing this history right away, which might fail to capture discussion that happens between now and the transitions.

We can use hashtag to limit the discussion and help filter discussions by topic.

We briefly discussed Jira - there is an OpenEXR Jira board at https://jira.aswf.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa. But we decided to keep things informal for now and rely on GitHub Issues to track todo items, and adopt Jira only if a need emerges.

We agreed to look at OpenColorIO as a template for processes, and the process documentation in particular, for code formatting style guide, code review process, etc.

Beyond administrative issues like the web site and the CII Best Practices Badge checklist, we discussed diving straight into more substantive issues like the future of IlmBase - separate repo vs. keeping it as a subproject, as well as cleaning up and modernizing the code, adding proper use of consexpr, etc.