TSC Meeting Notes 2019-11-21


  • Cary Phillips
  • Christina Tempelaar-Lietz
  • Peter Hillman
  • Nick Porcino
  • Larry Gritz


  • The repo has moved. All seems to have gone smoothly.

  • Looks like azure pipeline needs to be set up in the new org. PR’s are not currently triggering builds.

  • Larry asked about GitHub merge policy. “Allow squash merging” has now been turned on.

  • Imath repo: Let’s begin with a very simple example of pybind11, then add to it gradually.

  • Nick: We should remove ImathRandom from Imath, and rely on C++11 random. But this will require careful testing.

  • #484 - the “-x” option to limit memory usage: not worth the complexity. We considered this back when we were questioning how to deal with security vulnerabilities, but none of us feel that this is a necessary feature, or one that adequately addresses a security issue.

  • #591 - pthread support for mingw: PR needs serious cleanup, not acceptable in its current form.

  • #215 - uninstall target: good enough idea, but we’d like a “dry run” option.

  • #344 - new DwaCompressor setting. Should be a part of a performance metric suite.