TSC Meeting Notes 2019-10-17

TSC Meeting Notes 2019-10-17


  • Cary Phillips
  • Christina Tempelaar-Lietz
  • Kimball Thurston
  • Joseph Goldstone
  • Peter Hillman
  • Larry Gritz
  • John Mertic


  • The Azure build has been failing because Christina's macOS fixes haven't yet been merged. Done now.

  • Should we fix Sonar bugs before project adoption? Other projects haven't. SonarCloud reports "duplicate code blocks"; it's questionable whether it's actually better to eliminate these, especially in the test suite. And SonarCloud "smells" are REALLY picky, and of dubious validity. It sometimes seems like the SonarCloud C++ rules were written by someone who doesn't know C++ very well.

  • Could we just turn off SonarCloud altogether for the test suite, since it's not shipping code we really care about? Actually, we do care, since it needs to function properly, and it's needed for coverage analysis.

  • Larry: I've uncovered a problem in the deep data handling that appears to be offset integer math overflow with large images, i.e. 16k x 16k images. First noticed the problem in OIIO. Still investigating, will report findings later.

  • The web site REALLY needs a refresh, but who has the time? The content is OK, but the organization isn't great, and the visual style is outdated. John suggests that the team at the Linux Foundation may be able to help, as long as they have a general outline of content to work with. Kimball also said he has some friends who expressed interest in helping with the web site, will refer them on.

  • Issue #583: ask the poster to propose a fix.

  • Issue #581: Just need to remove ImfMisc.h

  • Issue #579: the TSC has made a decision to move to C++11 and drop support for C++98.

  • Issue #573: ask the poster to propose a fix.

  • Issue #571: Peter is investigating.

  • Issue #568: Kimball wants to do a bit more investigation.