RAW to ACES Working Group Meeting Notes
November 8, 2021
Host: Alexander Forsythe
Review Trademark and Account Assignment.
Discuss license type
Discuss RAW engine plans
Trademark and Account Assignment
TODO: Alex to look which Academy entity need to transfer the trademark.
License Type
Considered licenses are Apache 2.0 and BSD 3
Kimball: Apache 2.0 safer because of patent assignments
Alex: Which one does matter the most to Weta?
Kimbal: Apache 2.0 and it is the recommended license from the ASWF.
RESOLUTION: Apache 2.0 is selected
RAW Engine Plan
Mark: Compatibility with libraw. How are we supporting new cameras?
Kimball: RAW Decoding should be handle by a plugin:
RAWtoACES is performing the colour conversion with spectral knowledge but a plugin, e.g. RAWspeed or ARRI SDK like OpenImageIO is doing would provide the RAW decoding support.
Weta's HDR merging tool will be contributed as the basis but need to be refactored to be more modular.
Thomas: Weta had some concerns about the LibRaw license.
Kimball: Yes, which is why plugin approach makes sense as it is LGPL.
Thomas: We can link against it and we don't have to have the project released as LGPL.
Mark: Spent a lot of time on the OpenImageIO LibRaw plugin, curious about the interaction with OpenImageIO.
Kimball: Talked with Larry to see if the new RAWtoACES could eventually replace OpenImageIO libRaw support but we need to figure out the colour science aspect.
Alex: We need to finalise the charter document to be able to start to code.
Multiple repos? Data and Code?
Thomas: Important to consider the data license, some datasets could be used for research only and some other for commercial endeavour, thus we might want separate data repositories.
Kimball: Need to look at the ASWF initiative for datasets to see how we store it.
Kimball: We should move the RAWtoACES repo under the https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation organization and benefit of the redirection.
TODO: Transfer https://github.com/ampas/rawtoaces ownership to https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation.
Thomas: The current master branch can be renamed to something else, e.g. legacy.
Mark: Careful with migrating the current repository if it contains a lot of data in history, it could be huge.
Alex, Thomas: History should mostly be a handful of json and few C++ source files.