August 18, 2021
Sub-working group updates
USD Camera (Michael M.)
USD Web Visualization (Roman Z.)
Progress on Jupyter Notebooks exposing 3D content
NVIDIA made a free online course about USD Fundamentals available during SIGGRAPH
USDWG Leadership (comand)
Next session scheduled for September 1st 2021 will be aimed at hearing thoughts and suggestions regarding USD Chair, and transition
Cory to send invite and note to the USD interest mailing-list to notify attendees who couldn't join today's session
SIGGRAPH impressions
Code-less schemas are interesting, and may provide relief for some class of ABI compatibility problems.
USD potentially included in the VFX platform, as draft is currently being sketched for the 2023 draft:
To be confirmed within the upcoming weeks
Blender support for USD in the 3.0 Alpha release appears to have gathered positive reactions
Call for additional topics
Closing/Action Items
Related content
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.